online post it software or virtual stickies

Post it software or virtual stickies is a useful companion for a writer. It can be used to write short notes for good ideas or to collect information for later use.

Recently, a number of online post it software became available on the Internet. All of them can do the job of creating sticky notes on a virtual board but each has slightly different features. You may want to find which post it software has the feature that is the most useful to your purpose.

Larry Ferlazzo wrote a nice review on several online stickies. In the post, he covers most of online post it websites such as Wallwisher, Corkboard Me, Popplet, Middlespot, Spaaze, and linoit. He gives a short but helpful information on each software along with the links. Go check the post here.

As for me, I tried most of the software mentioned in the post and now use linoit as my main online stickies. My final choices were corkboard me  and linoit but I chose linoit over corkboard me for one reason. Everytime I clicked on the board, corkboard me creates a new sticky and it became just annoying after a while. With linoit, clicking does not lead to creation of new stickies. Instead, you can click and move the board to find your stickies in the hidden corner of the board. Of course, your choice may be different depending on your specific needs in using online post it.