Reviews of Scrivener

For a long time, Scrivener has been the most famous and the most acclaimed writing software for Mac users. The software also became available for Windows since November 2011.

Scrivener takes the same approach toward writing as that of yWriter, which is working on small parts of a book, editing them and changing the order of each section, and finally exporting them as a final book.

Scrivener offers features such as distraction-free writing mode, corkboard view, research folders, and many others. Also, Scrivener can be used to write screenplays, non-fictions in addition to novels. Scrivener for Windows costs $45, and the Mac version costs $49.

Reviews of Scrivener

  1. The review of Scrivener for Windows by Michael J. Sullivan, a full-time novelist, shows how he got to appreciate the worth of Scrivener in spite of his lukewarm feeling about the software in the beginning.
  2. Ryan Cordell presents an excellent overview of Scrivener (Mac version) in this very detailed review.
  3. Paul Ferson wrote a comprehensive review of the Windows version of Scrivener. He reviews some critical features of the software, such as multiple editing, scrivening, and virtual corkboard. He especially recommends the software to translators because of the ease of translating by using the double-pane mode.

Check out my easy guide to Scrivener for Mac

If you’re looking for an easy guide to Scrivener for Mac, try my new book, “Learn Scrivener for Mac in 30 minutes.” I provide a step-by-step guide with screen captures that will allow you to use the software immediately.

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