Moodnotes, a journal-and-pocket-counselor app for iPhone

It is a bit of stretch to call Moodnotes a journal writing app. This iPhone app can be used for keeping journal but it lacks essential features for typical journal apps. For example, there is no search menu. It does not have a calendar showing entries, either.

Instead, Moodnotes allows you to record your mood very quickly and easily using emoticon of a face with different feelings. You don’t even have to write anything. You can just select what feeling you have at the very moment and save the choice as an entry. The developer’s website says that programmers and psychologists cooperated to make this app a kind of counselor in your pocket.

Using this app for a certain period can help you to recognize the trends of your moods and to analyze reasons of and solutions for your negative emotion through step-by-step questions. Moodnotes may not replace other great journal apps for IOS, for instance Day One, but if you want to try a different approach to journal writing, the app seems an interesting alternative. Check it out at the app store and also read a good review of the app for details.

P.S. I must confess that one of the main reasons I was interested in the app was the fact that its developer made Monument Valley, the highly acclaimed mobile game.


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